Hello my name is Ruby, I am 32 years old and I currently reside in NYC and have a spotless driving record. I have had my driving license since 16 years old and am a very responsible, safe and courteous driver. Looking to drive your car from Los Angeles, CA to NYC ( east coast- could be Boston,Philadelphia, etc) Can provide legible resumes and letters of recommendation from employees regarding professionalism. Accompaning me on the trip will also be my boyfriend David who is also an excellent driver and can provide any necessary documents from both of us. Trip would be starting date between June 17- July 5th and would take about 2 weeks to deliver the vehicle. I hope to hear back and look forward to driving your car !
Amount You are Requesting to Drive :
Cover Gas, tolls, parking fees, any unexpected fee related to driving from point A to point B
Available From:
Jun 17, 2024
Available Until:
Jul 17, 2024
Destination (This is final destination/delivery for the transported vehicle ):
New York, New York
Listing created
Apr 3, 2024