Excellent driving record and references. Will provide upon request.

Will drive your vehicle anywhere along the North- and South-East Coast. Non-smoker prefers smoke-free vehicle. Vehicle must be in excellent mechanical condition. Interior must be clean and free of trash.

Drive time estimate (much quicker than a company):
Assume 480 miles driven per day (Based upon 8 hours per day assuming 60 miles per hour)

Your cost estimate (way cheaper than a company):
+$25/hour driven
+$gas based on vehicle, tank size, & mileage driven
+$250 Return trip
+$150 Overnight for every 480 miles driven

Amount You are Requesting to Drive : $25/hour + see detailed description
Available From: Apr 1, 2024
Available Until: Mar 31, 2025
Destination (This is final destination/delivery for the transported vehicle ): 33040
Listing created Apr 2, 2019